Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Pre-Settlement Legal Funding

Receive the funds you need.
The last thing you need to worry about if you’re involved in a medical malpractice lawsuit is how to pay your daily bills, and now with pre-settlement legal funding from Signal, you don’t have to worry. A simple phone call to 800-635-1167 can start you on your way to receiving the funds you need now.
Too often those who have suffered physical, mental, and emotional harm as a result of a doctor’s negligence are left to manage the consequences alone. Who is going to pay for ongoing medical treatment? Who is going to take care of and manage your home when you’re unable to? Who is going to pay the bills if you can’t work?

Receive the funds you need.
The last thing you need to worry about if you’re involved in a medical malpractice lawsuit is how to pay your daily bills, and now with pre-settlement legal funding from Signal, you don’t have to worry. A simple phone call to 800-635-1167 can start you on your way to receiving the funds you need now.
Too often those who have suffered physical, mental, and emotional harm as a result of a doctor’s negligence are left to manage the consequences alone. Who is going to pay for ongoing medical treatment? Who is going to take care of and manage your home when you’re unable to? Who is going to pay the bills if you can’t work?

You complete the application and call your attorney telling them you applied for a pre-settlement funding with Signal.

Signal Funding calls your attorney to verify your case information and to gather additional details.

the Cash
Signal Funding sends the money directly through Western Union, overnight check, or through a wire transfer.
Ease Your Stress
This is where Signal Funding comes in. Signal specializes in helping people in your situation obtain the financial help they need now in the form of cash in advance of you actually receiving your settlement award. It’s called “pre-settlement legal funding.” And, as is often the case with medical malpractice cases taking years to settle, legal funding from Signal can be a financial life-saver!
Signal has helped many people get the money they need to pay bills, pay rent or a mortgage, buy clothes for you or your family, or simply put food on the table. Truth is, the cash can be used for whatever you need.
The legal funding is a no-risk, non-recourse transaction, which means if you lose your case you do NOT pay us back anything.
Your attorney has to review and approve of the transaction, and your attorney will pay us back out of the proceeds of your settlement award.
There are no monthly payments to worry about; we get paid at the conclusion of your case.
Call us at 1-800-635-1167, or simply complete the application, and we’ll call you within 24 hours to talk to you about your case. The process is simple and fast. In fact, we can often get you the cash the same day you apply.